Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Genetics affect a person’s ability to learn foreign languages ​​- BAF «Economics today»

The American scientists have concluded that success in learning a foreign language is influenced by genetic factors and brain structure, according to Rambler News Service.

Genetics  influences human capacity for learning foreign  languages ​​
When learning a new language of the brain white matter begins to change

The researchers chose to experiment with 79 first-year students from China, the average age is 20 years. After passing the test of English 44 students went on a three-week intensive, aimed at improvement and development of English. During this time, it was carried out brain scans of all students participating in the experiment and control group of Chinese who arrived after the start.

According to the scientists, the study of a new language of the brain white matter is beginning to change. The researchers note that attending courses of young people, there was a strengthening of connections in the brain responsible for language. The positive effect was observed for three weeks, then everything returned to its previous level.

The researchers suggest that variations in the gene COMT and bond strength of the white matter is determined 46% of success in language learning. Scientists believe that the quality of education can be improved by knowledge of the environment, genes and brain work.

Ulyana Ledeneva


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