Saturday, March 28, 2015

NASA welcomes the intention of the Russian Space Agency to work on the ISS until 2024 – TVNZ

Today March 29


– 2 & amp; degC

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The US and Russia will work on the ISS for another ten years. Photo: NASA

But on the joint construction of a new station to think is too early to declare the Office

The official representative of NASA David Weaver said Saturday that the United States welcomes Russia’s intention to promote international cooperation in the field of research space.

Recall the previous day on the ISS has been sent to the next crew of Gennady Padalka, Mikhail Kornienko and American Scott Kelly. After starting the “Union” by Roscosmos and NASA – Igor Komarov and Charles Bolden – said that Russia and the United States will use the station until 2024. Komarov also noted that after the parties will work on a joint project of the new orbital complex.

“We are pleased that the Federal Space Agency has expressed a desire to continue making full use of the International Space Station until 2024 (which is in line with our plans), and and interest in further international cooperation in the field of space exploration in the next period, “- said the representative of NASA, who was quoted by Tass.

 Meanwhile, he did not comment Komarova that after 10 years, NASA and Roscosmos begin to build a new station. According to Weaver, now we need to focus on the work already in progress.

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