Employees of the US space agency NASA found that Arctic ice is rapidly shrinking number. The minimum area of ice carpet in the area until 2015 stood at 14.65 million square kilometers.
In its work, NASA relies on the knowledge of the National Center for the Study of snow and ice in Boulder (Colorado), which presents data for the three months of this year. At the moment the area of Arctic sea ice is 14.54 million square kilometers.
This indicator is at its lowest level in the last few years, when was involved. Only one year ice area decreased by spaces 100 thousand square kilometers. This is a very scary scientific community.
We add that a significant expansion of the area of Arctic sea ice occurs in the autumn and winter seasons, whereas with the beginning of spring and the summer months, their number decreases rapidly. The largest area of ice recorded in the period from February to April. This year, the peak in this regard fell on February 25, which is 15 days before the traditional date. The last such case was recorded in 1996.
Experts want to reassure all concerned, explaining that winter fluctuations in ice area do not carry any threat, if we talk about the global climate. But the reduction of the ice cover in summer leads to global warming.
According to the materials: n4k.ru
Source news, taken from nter.net.ua
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