Wednesday, March 18, 2015

In Novosibirsk, March 20 solar eclipse occurs – BBC News

March 20 total solar eclipse occurs, and in Novosibirsk can be seen as the moon covers the sun only 40%.

An employee planetarium Victoria Damme said: “The eclipse will occur in 2015 when the new moon on March 20 and band full phase will run along the coast of Norway and through the Svalbard – Thousand Islands archipelago. The maximum duration of the total phase reaches 2 minutes 47 seconds at phase 1.044. In our country the greatest phase can be observed in the Murmansk region on the border with Norway. Here, the phase of the eclipse will reach 0.91. Such closures Sun Moon is already causing a noticeable thickening twilight ».

The eclipse will begin at approximately 16:13 on March 20, it will be able to watch all interested in using astronomical techniques.

The second eclipse, the moon will be full and there will be a full moon on April 4. Its full phase will see the inhabitants of Siberia, Primorye, Kamchatka and the Far East. Maximum shadow phase will be 1,005 while passing through the northern part of the Moon’s umbra, the total phase of the eclipse will last just 12 minutes. With the Moon at this time there is a complete and partial solar eclipse.


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