Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alferov in his 85 back in experimental physics – SakhaNews

IA SakhaNews. Russian physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhores Alferov 85 years old.

On his birthday he meets in good academic tone: after several years of scientific administration decided to return to experimental physics. Academician personally involved in the study of the potential of solar energy using the latest research equipment purchased by the Academic University.

On Monday morning, after the hero of the day held a symposium dedicated to breakthrough technologies of the XXI century. Reports of the three Nobel Prize winners – the most Alferov, Roger Kornberg , Aaron Ciechanover , other Russian scientists conceived as a birthday gift not only but also to all the staff of the Academic University. This one in the Academy of Sciences of the university 15 years ago, he founded and headed Alferov.

Alferov spoke on “Efficient conversion and generation of light”, which he dedicated to the year 2015, declared the International Year of UNPO light.

In the evening festivities continue at the Philharmonic. And physics, and lyricist Alferov read their favorite scenes from Mayakovsky and listen from the audience of Russian and world classics, chosen according to his taste.

On the eve of the Russian president congratulated scientist Vladimir Putin , noting that “the fundamental research and development (Alferov) expanded the boundaries of knowledge.”


Zhores Ivanovich Alferov was born March 15, 1930 in Vitebsk.

He graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after VI Ulyanov-Lenin (LETI).

He worked in the Physical-Technical Institute. A.F.Yoffe and then headed it for many years.

Alferov – a Nobel laureate, as well as the second most prestigious scientific award in the world – the Kyoto Prize.


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