Friday, March 20, 2015

Because of the “black” Sun izhevchane can be depressed, and the animals become aggressive – TVNZ

Even those whose knowledge of astronomy remained within the children’s curiosity, rejoice – in the city observed a solar eclipse. Izhevchane could observe only partial phases of rare astronomical phenomenon – Moon Sun is not completely closed. The eclipse began at 13:35 local time. Maximum phase occurred at 14:27. Around 15:38 the heavenly bodies differed.

But while some tried to see the phenomenon with their own eyes, others were weakened by pressure differences. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” find out what a solar eclipse is dangerous to health, and at this time transformed the psyche.

– The effect of the eclipse on the man appears for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after it. This is particularly felt by the people in age. Suffer meteorologically dependent people, – says practicing astrologer and consultant Alexander Russian. – Strong ailments may experience people with cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, because the Sun rules the heart. At this time the person is prone to self-deception, error. During a solar eclipse, people perceive information in a distorted form. May get depressed because more than usual feeling of loneliness. Someone, on the contrary, there is a heightened sense of religiosity.

According to the specialist, women can disrupt hormonal cycles, the mood becomes erratic.

– For every person like astronomical phenomena influenced by in different ways. To learn more about the vulnerable side of your body will help the natal horoscope, and well it may be only an astrologer. So it is possible to predict what “sores” most strongly manifest during a solar eclipse – explains astrologer with 15 years of experience.

In the 4 weeks dangerous is not recommended to drink alcohol, it is best to go for a light meal and reduce the physical load. In short, the rest – the best in this situation.

Elena Gureeva, chief physician training and wellness center “Toast», said – in order not to depend on natural phenomena, it is necessary simply be a healthy person!

By the way, the aggression, during a meeting of the Sun and the Moon may have pets. Due to the darkening dogs and cats can annoy their masters strong bark and meow, some of them will try to hide in a secret place.

  More Coverage

  The solar eclipse in Izhevsk: people share first photos

 People constantly filming process and with the help of special devices [photo]


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