Chinese lunar rover recently landed on the Moon, published in Science incredible discovery.
«Yutu” (“Jade Hare”), despite the damage, continues to make a sensational discovery. For the past 15 months specialists astronauts transmit the results of studies that are conducted on the moon.
«Jade Hare” launched in December 2013. Its main task was for three months to investigate the composition of the lunar surface, but problems with the engine stopped the car on the second day, after 114 kilometers of distance traveled. But even a full stop was not a major problem. Lunokhod completely lost control solar panels, because of which could not have survived the night at a temperature of -180 ° C, but the impossible happened – the device has not only survived, but also can transmit signals to Earth.
The greatest damage was spectrometer, alpha particles, and all other instruments operate smoothly.
The first discovery rover was to measure the boundaries of the existence of radicals due to the ultraviolet telescope. It turns out that this boundary is much lower than previously thought.
But the real sensation was the recent discovery, the results of which are published in the journal Science. Scientists said that the radar rover enlightened soil layers in the Bay of Rainbows 400 meters, which corresponds to the age of 3.8 billion years. Because of this it was revealed nine separate base layers, which gives the right to assert the existence of volcanoes in the distant past.
«The most interesting – two things. The first – that in the era of late volcanic eruptions have been much more, “- said Xiao Lun, author of the publication. Scientists were able to identify several types of soils that formed as a result of five eruptions, the last of which took place 2.5 billion years ago.
«The second surprise – that the volcanic sea consist not only of basaltic lava, but and pyroclastic rocks from the explosion, “- said the author. This suggests that some volcanoes can explode, forming craters enormous size.
Examining a layer of soil on the Moon at a depth of 240 meters, scientists have found that it is, by its nature reflection of radio waves is identical to the earth ground with explosive emission of volcanic rock.
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