Monday, March 16, 2015

Scientists have calculated the effect of love on the human brain –

The team of Chinese and American scientists calculated the effect of love on the human brain, the researchers promise based on the discovery of the first to develop a science-based test for love, said “to” referring Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

According to scientists, the first time they have evidence the impact of love on the functional architecture of the brain. In the future they would like to develop a test for love – with the help of magnetic resonance imaging or other scanning method.

By creating a “love map” of the brain, neuroscientists have used the method of magnetic resonance imaging. To do this, they collected a hundred volunteers – students and students of Southwestern University (Chongqing, China). They were divided into three groups: all those who at the time of the study was in love, who just broke up with your loved ones, and a group of individuals who have not maintained a loving relationship.

Participants experiment asked nothing think and subjected them to the brain scan. In the first group to work more actively areas of the brain associated with reward system, motivation, and emotion management, and social cognition. It was also found that certain areas of intensive work is directly correlated with the duration of their novels.

At the same ones whose love affair for some reason interrupted, the activity of these areas was reduced. It was also found that only those students worked intensively brain caudate nucleus. Brains of those who at the time was not in love, just differed less pronounced brain activity.

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