Shot from reporting channel” Russia 24 “
March 15 marked 85 years Zhores Alferov. Russian science today is not much reason to give the all-Russian mark the various events. But even if Zhores Alferov was not a Nobel laureate in Physics for the year 2000, his birthday would be such an occasion. He himself – a man-a reason.
Of course, the awarding of the Nobel Prizes, especially in the natural sciences categories, can not be attributed to the agency windy Fortune. And yet … In this case, too many associations and symbolic figures brought to life the message disseminated to all news agencies of the world October 10, 2000-the year: the most prestigious award in the world of science – the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 – awarded to academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhores Ivanovich Alferov . Moreover, today, 15 years after the event, it seems that a different simply could not be that nominee Alferov lobbied some higher power. (However, he Zhores probably frown if you read the last statement, because the question about his views on the relationship between science and religion, he once answered very briefly: “I am an atheist».)
The most recent Nobel prize in physics in the twentieth century (a century this reason called the century of physics, the way it is, by and large) divided between three scientists: two Americans – Herbert Kremer and Jack Kilby (and one of them, Kramer, an American of German descent – also symbols) and Russian Academician Alferov. Here you – and history and geopolitics, and just politics … All of the XX century the emphasis placed exactly!
The news of the award of the Nobel Prize, Zhores Ivanovich caught in St. Petersburg. When Oct. 11, he returned to Moscow, in the building of the State Duma of the Russian Federation – and Alferov – Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation – it is already in the morning guarded several television crews. Alferov, of course, tore to pieces. Still, I managed to ask him two attendants issue:
«You feel like a hero?” – I asked if Jaures Ivanovich.
«Oh, come on you! What a hero! I hope that the Nobel Prize will fight for Russian science.
And, generally speaking … You know, when I was 40 years received a very high scientific award – Gold Medal of the Franklin Institute, I remember – happy anymore. And there, too, my predecessor, for many years before it was Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa. And he – from MIPT. From my institute. ”
Another symbolic bar …
Why such a rare name a person who was born in 1930 in provincial Vitebsk? What was the reason? Here’s how he Alferov, in his usual slightly ironic manner, answered this question:
«My parents Ivan and Anna V. Karpovich born and raised in Belarus. Father of eighteen, in 1912, came to St. Petersburg – while many left to work in St. Petersburg. Began working as a longshoreman at the port, a laborer on the envelope factory and finally started this working career at the “Old Lessner,” now – Plant. Karl Marx.
In the First World War, in 1914, went to war. He fought bravely. Was hussar, non-commissioned officer of the Life Guards, double knight of St. George. In September 1917, my father joined the Bolshevik Party, before the revolution, and the new has not changed his faith ever. He commanded a cavalry regiment of the Red Army, then moved to the chore.
The older my brother called Marx. Time was that! Jaurès – in honor of Jean Jaures, the founder of the newspaper “L’Humanite”, the founder of the French Socialist Party, who was killed in the July 30, 1914 in a Paris cafe vile hand Villena. ”
The very Zhores tells a story associated with his name.
In 1964, the first time he was in Paris at the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. When you register gave him chest badge (badge), which was not written “Alferov,” and “A. Jaures. ” The French, of course decided that Jaures – a name, and Alferov probably name. “I’m from the letter” A “on this icon symbol made of a semiconductor diode, attributed after Jaures – Alferov and one of my friends even American scandal: why, they say, give the Russian delegates branded icons with the image of a semiconductor diode, and the Americans do not!” – says Alferov.
For semiconductors Alferov and later received the Nobel Prize. And the way it began in the famous Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (LETI), which Alferov graduated in 1952. On the distribution was even more famous Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute (LFTI): “My joy knew no bounds. And I think my happy life in science was predetermined by this distribution. ”
Alferov takes part in the creation of the first Soviet transistors, photodiodes, powerful germanium rectifiers. In 1961 he defended his PhD thesis on, mainly the development and study of germanium and powerful, in part, silicon rectifiers. On the basis of these works originated domestic power semiconductor electronics. With the creation of the transistor was born not just a new semiconductor device, semiconductor physics new born.
Throughout the scientific world Alferov now known as the creator and explorer of semiconductor heterostructures. “I like to joke on this topic: normal – so when straight and not homo. Heterosexual – this is a normal way of nature. ” Zhores Alferov formulated in 1966 general principles for the management of electronic and light streams in geterostrukturax (electronic, optical limiting) today are the basis of all semiconductor devices – from consumer CD-player to powerful research and special laser systems and solar panels.
Work on semiconductor heterostructures are recognized not only by the Nobel committee. Alferov elected a Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of the United States with the wording “for heterostructures”; Foreign Member of the National Academy of Engineering Sciences of the USA with the wording “for the development of the principles of the theory and technology of heterostructures.” By the way, he is the only Russian scientist who is both academies.
In general, he was elected to many of the Academy, is an honorary doctor of many universities, has received a lot of international, foreign and domestic awards and honors …
Laughter, wit, stylish people around – Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, certainly knows her worth as a professional. And this feeling, apparently, and allows him to always remain independent and in their behavior and in their assessments of not only scientific but also political processes. Incidentally, when the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics was another great Russian scientist, Vitaly Ginzburg, does not hide his negative attitude to the communist ideology, it was said that this was done, almost, not in order to “balance” nobelevku Jaures Alferov – convinced communist, a member of the Communist Party.
In the spring of 2013 Zhores Ivanovich Alferov ran for president of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A clear mind, an amazing performance, a clear understanding of the problems of Russian science (“uselessness our economy scientific results”) – made him the only real rival to Vladimir Fortov those elections, the current president of the RAS.
to start in June 2013 reform of the Academy of Sciences Alferov not taken immediately. And immediately put all their authority, including international, to at least minimize the consequences of this reform. All this led to poorly concealed “allergy” to Alferov from the initiators of reform. But Alferov and today remains consistent to the end. “We now have to think about how and what to do to avoid losing potential until the end – he said at the end of February 2015. – So nothing positive I can not say. ” As a scientist complained, the collapse of the Academy of Sciences has played a major negative role, it is necessary to look for new forms of work organization.
This is he, a physicist, in love with semiconductor heterostructures, “groovy” and self-sufficient Zhores Ivanovich Alferov, who is now 85 years old.
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