Friday, September 23, 2016

A Swedish philosopher said that artificial intelligence will soon destroy mankind – Moskovsky Komsomolets

“rise of the machines” can happen in less than 60 years

Today at 12:04, views: 2320

In the foreseeable future artificial intelligence may be so developed, that allow myself to question the necessity of existence on Earth. This was stated by Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom, today working in the University of Oxford. According to the scientist, by 2075 this can lead to the destruction of mankind as a species.

Шведский  философ  заявил,  что  искусственный  интеллект  уже  скоро  погубит  человечество


the Version of that one day artificial intelligence will revolt against their own creators, today is perceived by most as not the most original script for the sci-Fi film and nothing more. However, from time to time, some scientists, including such eminent as Stephen Hawking, contend that with the development of technologies that prospect begins to seem all the more real. Nick Bostrom has long held this opinion, but this time he made rather bold predictions about how soon artificial intelligence could “catch up” with the human degree of development.

according to scientist, by 2022 artificial intelligence will reach 10 percent of mental abilities of an adult, by 2040 – 50 percent, and by 2075 – 90%.

a Representative of the Massachusetts Institute of technology Oren, Etzioni trying to test how popular the idea of Bostrom, conducted a survey on this topic. As it turned out, many experts who are professionally engaged in the study of artificial intelligence, does not exclude that one day he will be a better human. The philosopher has conducted a survey, which was attended by 80 experts. They all agreed that waiting for the emergence of artificial superintelligence in the next decade should not, however, only one in four expressed confidence that computers will become “smarter” people ever. 7.5% of respondents suggested that artificial intelligence will become more perfect than human, less than a quarter of a century. The majority of 67.5 per cent – are of the opinion that a superintelligence will emerge, but not too soon. However, as reported, not all respondents (including those who the emergence of superintelligence allowed) spoke about the ideas Bostrom with all due respect – many believe that he overestimates the danger of artificial intelligence to humanity, thus complicating the search for the answer to the question of what in fact constitutes the main threat to the people.


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