Friday, September 30, 2016

Genetics: every twentieth man was not meant to avoid an early death – Moskovsky Komsomolets

according to scientists, some people simply age faster than others

Today at 12:57, views: 781

a Healthy lifestyle involving proper nutrition and physical activity, can significantly extend the life of most people. However, about every twentieth man is doomed to grow old and die much sooner than the rest, despite all efforts. To such conclusion experts from the University of California in Los Angeles. Although by itself the study is not optimistic, it is, according to scientists, may be the first step to solving the problem of premature aging.

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the Scientists examined 13 databases containing information on more than 13 thousand inhabitants of seven different countries. The experts evaluated the so-called biological age of these people and compared with age real. As it turned out, approximately five percent of the people, these figures are largely different from each other, and the reason for that were wrong with the so-called “epigenetic clock” — as the experts sometimes call the set of mechanisms that allow DNA to “manage” the aging process.

According to experts, the probability of early death for people, biological age is significantly ahead of the real, increases very significantly. Scholars give the following example: suppose we have two 50 year old men, who smokes and often stressed, but in the rest the canons of “healthy lifestyle”. While one of them “epigenetic clock” working too fast, and the second — in the range of average values. In this case, the chances of the first of the men to live more than ten years make up only 25%, while the second — a much more respectable 40 percent. It was the first “option” epigenetic hours has about every twentieth man.

However, experts note that, in General epigenetics to a lesser extent, predetermines the duration of human life, than such well-known factors like Smoking, blood pressure, diabetes and so on. However, experts believe they have received relevant information and hope that on the basis of their data in the future will be able to better understand the problem of premature aging and, to some extent, to learn to deal with it.

the Work written at the end of the study, the scientists published in the journal Aging.


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