Us doctors said that to stroke and kiss the cats can be dangerous to health and life. As it became known, according to experts, cats transmit the infection to humans more often than previously thought. Scratches from cat claws can cause fever, which in some cases leads to death.
Cats are significantly more often carriers of diseases that are dangerous to humans, than was considered still. To such conclusion employees of the center for control and prevention of diseases of the U.S., conducted the study, the results of which were shared with the journalists of the newspaper Metro.
“And although it would seem!”: according to recent studies scientists from the United States of America, to stroke and kiss the cats – deadly to life and health class. To such conclusion scientists an Iowa University after a series of experiments. It is reported “the latest news”.
One of the dangerous diseases — fever, caused by cat scratches. It is accompanied by a high fever, and in severe cases, deadly.
So, the scientists say that one of the diseases that can affect people associated with cat scratches, which can lead to fever. This disease is very dangerous for humans and can even lead to death.
it is Reported that the study was conducted in collaboration with colleagues from the Centre for control and prevention of diseases. Turns out to be so popular and loved by millions of people around the world Pets provide their owners a variety of infections much more frequently than was considered earlier. Especially dangerous scrapes that cats often leave on their hands.
As it turned out as a result of studies, the inflammation of those cuts that appear in the “communication” between cats and their owners, can lead to serious disease. It is called “cat fever” and is deadly. People suffering from this disease, have every chance of fatal outcome in the absence of timely medical care.
In this regard, the American scientists is not highly recommended to have cats. This is especially true for those homes with small children: they are particularly vulnerable to cat fever. Also the General Council remains always wash hands thoroughly after we have made contact with the animal.
in addition, the animals often are carriers of Toxoplasma gondii (intracellular parasite). This disease is transmitted to humans and is especially dangerous for children, in whom it can cause problems with memory, and a delay of intellectual development in General.
In this regard, scientists advise after contact with animals to wash your hands and don’t kiss animals and don’t release Pets into the street.
Cat or pet cat — a pet, one of the most popular(along with sobakoy) “companion animals”.
From the Zoological point of view, the domestic cat is a mammal of the family Felidae of Carnivora. Earlier, the domestic cat was often considered as a separate species. From the point of view of modern biological sistematicamente cat (Felis silvestris catus) is a subspecies of wild cat (Felis silvestris).
Being a solitary hunter of rodents and other small animals, the cat — a social animal that use to communicate a wide range of audio signals as well as
currently, there are about 600 million pet cats displayed about 200 breeds, from long-haired (Persian cat) to the deprived wool (Sphinx), recognized and registered by various felinologicheskijj.
For over 10 000 years cats are valued by man, including the ability to hunt vermin and other household pests.
According to genetic studies, all domestic cats on the maternal side there are at least five representatives[29] subspecies of wild cat (Felis silvestris lybica), have different haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA. Separation of the subspecies Felis silvestris lybica occurred about 130 thousand years ago. The steppe cat is still prevalent vsasavanii Africa and a vast area from the Mediterranean to China, where it lives in the thickets of saxaul in the deserts, in the bushes near water, in the foothills and mountains. Although the small wild cats of different subspecies can interbreed among themselves and produce offspring, the results of genetic studies showed that in the phylogeny of the domestic cat other subtypes of Felis silvestris, except for the steppe cat, did not participate.
Domestication of cats occurred about 9500 years ago in the middle East near the Fertile Crescent where it originated and developed the ancient human civilization. Domestication of cats began with the transition to a settled way of life, with the beginning of agriculture, when there was a surplus of food and there was a need for their conservation and protection from rodents.
the Oldest archaeological evidence of cat domestication was discovered in Cyprus, where during the archaeological excavations it was found the joint burial of man and cat, which dates back to 7500 BC has Also been established that the island of Cyprus was colonized by immigrants from areas of modern Anatolia (Turkey) and Syria.
Previously, scientists believed that the first domesticated cats, the ancient Egyptians. However, the earliest evidence of domestication of cats by the ancient Egyptians belonged to 2000-1900 years BC. But recently it was found that in Ancient Egypt the domestic cat was, as in Cyprus, from the Fertile Crescent (Anatolia). Currently, the cat is one of the most popular Pets.
Despite the fact that cats have been domesticated long enough, most cats are able to survive in conditions of being outside of human habitation, again swelling the ranks of feral cats, as stray of a cat’s life is usually quickly re-run wild. Secondary feral cats often live alone and hunt alone, but sometimes form small colonies of several females with kittens.
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