Friday, September 2, 2016

Scottish scientist introduced the theory of private clubs aliens – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Perhaps the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not consider the Earth ready to contact

Today, at 10:04, views: 791

The astronomer Duncan Forgan representing the University of St Andrews, he presented his interpretation of the theory of the so-called “galactic club”, according to which extraterrestrial civilizations exist, and even contact with each other, but deliberately concealed from earthlings. expert calculations have shown that the probability of the existence of such interplanetary communities really large enough.

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The theory of “galactic club” or “galactic zoo” is one of the attempts to explain the Fermi paradox. This paradox was formulated by the famous physicist Enrico Fermi, and its essence lies in the fact that both the presence and absence of other star systems of our brothers on reason rather strange. On the one hand, the universe, and even every single galaxy is so huge that the Earth a chance to be really one of a kind look is not too high. On the other hand, if the aliens do exist, some of their civilization could be older than the Earth, which means that we have to observe certain traces of their activities.

In the mid 70-ies of the last century astrophysicist Ronald Bracewell was It suggested his “decision” of the Fermi paradox. Its essence lies in the fact that extraterrestrials do exist, and the most advanced of them even come into contact with each other. However, the Earth, according to this theory, is in the “black list” of the “club” because its inhabitants is unworthy or simply are not ready to join it. In this regard, the aliens deliberately mask their signals to earth dwellers do not know about their cosmic neighbors ahead of time.

Although this assumption and looks pretty fantastic theory of cosmic scale conspiracy, Duncan Forgan decided to check it, making for this purpose computer model. According to the scientist, as a result, he came to the conclusion that the existence of such “closed clubs” is likely. However, whether this kind of community can hardly cover our entire galaxy – for this new civilization to appear in it very often on space standards and exist for millions of years. However, a small coalition of aliens may well be formed even if intelligent life on planets participating emerged only 250 thousand years ago (in the world from that moment has passed 190 thousand years. Thus, it is possible that the land is “within range” more than one “galactic club”, but they still avoid contact.

Astronomer emphasizes that its calculations can not be considered proof of the presence on the territory of the Milky way aliens and especially collusion between them. However, according to specialist, they can serve as an argument in favor of the theory of “galactic zoo” has a right to exist.


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