Salekhard, 2 September. On Yamal no longer anthrax, and the only child delivered for treatment in Salekhard hospital cured. This was reported in the press-service of the governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.
Quarantine announced due to the outbreak of disease anthrax shot. Today, on Friday, 2 September, was discharged from hospital last patient, who went on the mend. This six year old Masha, she spent in the hospital for over a month. Doctors say the baby’s life is not in danger, this morning she flew home in a helicopter to the village of Yar-Sale.
Earlier, media wrote that in the hospital there were 97 people, doctors have found anthrax. Later the disease died 12-year-old boy, the diagnosis was confirmed in 24 people, now they have recovered.
Recall that in late July on the Yamal Peninsula have introduced quarantine because of the death of the deer from anthrax, then died about 2, 5000 animals
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