In the Chinese city of Nanchang in the south-eastern province of Jiangxi country scientists found seven ancient tombs age of about 1,600 years. It is reported by TASS with reference to the Chinese TV
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According to the archaeologist who made the discovery of the Chinese Hu Zhen, the location of graves and tombs made on the label indicate that there lie the representatives of the genus
The scientist also said that the autopsy found traces of tombs. In addition, as a result of soil subsidence remained intact only a few elements of ancient tombs.
It is worth adding that the history of the city of Nanchang has 2200 years. In 201 BC He called Gan, and in 589 BC was renamed Hongzhou. For centuries, the city was one of the cultural centers of China
Earlier “RG” reported that recently, in other southwestern provinces of China -. Guizhou – two giant footprints were found. These traces of at least two times greater than the average size of a human foot. Now scientists are trying to determine the origin of the giant marks on the ancient stone, but to date not prepared to explain how and where did the fossilized footprints.
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