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MOSCOW, September 3 – RIA Novosti Scientists from the museum in the US state of Hawaii Bishop museum plans to name a new species of fish that are found in the Pacific Ocean, in honor of US President Barack Obama, according to National Geographic magazine..
A new species of fish was discovered in June this year during a research expedition to Kure atoll in the north of the Hawaiian islands. These fish are the sole representatives of the subfamily Tosanoidy (Tosanoides) outside the territorial waters of Japan. In addition, these fish are found only in the waters of the marine reserve Papahānaumokuākea in the Pacific Ocean.
Scientists hope to publish an official description of the type and the name of this year. “As well, the fish that we still wanted to call after him, just to say thanks for the expansion of the reserve Papahānaumokuākea accidentally has the line, which connects it with the president,” – said the marine biologist Richard Pyle, referring to limited area of distribution of species.
Obama himself in an interview said that he considered an honor the name of the new species of fish in his honor. “Nice fish”, – said the US president, when the magazine representative showed him the image of fish golden color
At the beginning of the week it became known that Obama will expand the protected area in the Pacific Ocean, which will become the largest marine reserve in the world. . According to Reuters, it is a national monument Papahānaumokuākea as part of the Hawaiian Islands. After the new decree banned industrial fishing reserve area will be 1.5 million square kilometers.
The protected area was established in 2006 by President George W. Bush, and was originally called the National Maritime Monument Northwest Hawaii. In 2007, the project was given a new name – Papahānaumokuākea, in honor creatrix goddess Papahanaumoku and her husband Uakea
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