Saturday, September 3, 2016

NASA puts up for auction the robot, which tested the lunar spacesuits – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, September 3 -. RIA Novosti The National aeronautics and space Administration (NASA) of the auctioned humanoid robot dummy that was used to test the lunar spacesuits, according to information portal space <. / p>

The robot called “Power Driven Articulated Dummy” was made in the image of man from aluminum plates. Creation, which weighs 104 kilograms, is equipped with a hydraulic joints to play 35 basic human movements and sensors to determine the effects on an astronaut suit. The robot used by NASA experts in the years 1963-65 to test prototypes of lunar space suits.

The auction will be held from August 15 on-line within 10 days.

“I was made only two test robot, the second such is on display at the National air and Space Museum, “- said vice-president of the auction company RR Auction Robert Livingston

Experts pointed out that the oil leak has been one of the problems with these robots, and. them eventually abandoned. “The leak could ruin the suit We did not want to risk it.” – Said Joe Kosmo, who worked as an engineer at NASA

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