Thursday, September 8, 2016

Russian scientists have discovered how stress affects brain disease – BBC

08.09.2016 <- - include virtual = "/ nm2015 / ssi / news / bulka.shtml"!> | 12:28

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Russian scientists have demonstrated that exposure to stress in the hippocampus processes occur neuroinflammation leading to the degeneration and death of neurons and ultimately to emotional disturbances and memory loss. Work published in the journal Metabolic Brain Disease. The project maintained a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF)

neuroinflammation -. It is a process that occurs in the brain, the mechanism is similar to inflammatory processes in the usual their understanding associated with damage to other tissues . Neuroinflammation almost always precedes neurodegeneration (nerve cell death). For neurodegenerative diseases include Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease; neuronal death occurs in acute cerebral circulatory disorders (stroke). Recently it was shown that mental disorders (particularly depression, schizophrenia) also accompanied by death of neurons.

Scientists have estimated neuroinflammation indicators in the cerebral cortex (the “new bark”) and the hippocampus (the ‘old bark “) of laboratory rats exposed to unpredictable combined chronic stress, combines several stress factors (the model of” experimental neurosis ” ). Among these factors were the electric shocks of moderate intensity, prolonged exposure to “white” noise sound (sound waves wide range) and restriction of movement. Of stressing it was carried out daily for two weeks.

It was found that the hippocampus selectively accumulates stress hormones (corticosteroids), triggering neuroinflammation, probably because it has the maximum number of receptors for these hormones is. In humans, cortisol is a stress hormone, in rats – corticosterone. In response to the accumulation of stress hormones in the hippocampus and cortex is released pro-inflammatory (of immune) substances – cytokines – molecular indicators of neuroinflammation. One month after termination of the stress it was found that the level of the main pro-inflammatory cytokine (interleukin IL-1β) in the hippocampus remained elevated, whereas in the cerebral cortex amount of the same cytokine that time returned to normal.

Thus, scientists have found that for a long time after the abolition of stress exposure process neuroinflammation in the hippocampus does not stop. The consequences of this can be quite sad

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