Thursday, October 13, 2016

Astronomers said that Muscovites will soon see the first supermoon this year – Moskovsky Komsomolets

It will happen on October 16

Today at 11:18, views: 1824

In the night of Sunday, October 16, residents of the Russian capital for the first time this year will be able to see the supermoon — a phenomenon during which the Moon is closer to Earth than usual and thus appears larger and brighter. As expected, this night in Moscow will be cloudy, with explanations, that is, it is likely that because of the clouds the moon appear to be.

Астрономы  рассказали,  что  скоро  москвичи  увидят  первое  суперлуние  этого  года


Officially, the scientific term “supermoon” does not exist, however, in common parlance, the so-called moment when the Moon is at perihelion, i.e. closest to the Earth point of its orbit.

As explained by specialists of the Moscow planetarium, a rare phenomenon can be observed as the one who on 16 October will be in the city and those who are outside, the only thing necessary for the contemplation condition is suitable weather. The fact that the moon is from the point of view of the observer will be larger, will be visible to the naked eye, and holders for binoculars and Amateur telescopes will be good to see many craters and lowlands, traditionally called “lunar seas.”

According to scientists, the supermoon does not have any significant impact on the Earth, except a few stronger than usual tides. However, as reported in the planetarium, a day when the Moon is maximally close to the Ground, she looks really beautiful, and in different years it looks different.

on average, supermoon occurs every 144 days, but by the end of this year there will be a series of such events — after 16 October the Moon will approach the Earth on 14 November, and then December 14.

Quite beautiful supermoon many of the inhabitants of the Earth have observed in the past year. Besides the fact that the moon looked larger than usual, he gained a clear reddish hue, for which the phenomenon has received the name “bloody SUPERLINE”. It is best to see it managed to residents of North America, South America, Western Europe and West Africa.


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