Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kaspersky lab, a global security center – Вести.Ru

to Protect critical infrastructure in Russia has created a global center of computer security for transport, energy and utilities and similar companies. What happens if attackers gain access to the industrial network, how to protect it and who’s going to do — about this program Missing.No.

Kaspersky Lab opens in Russia ICS CERT is the center of the computer emergency response accidents at industrial sites. In other words something like a one stop shop that can address any enterprise, if wants to prevent the hacking of their networks, or to solve an already existing problem with safety. But for a start, the first task will be to collect and systematize in fact, information about existing threats. Interestingly, according to Kaspersky lab, such precisely the industrial centres of reaction in the world only three and this will be the first private and is not specialized in the equipment of any one manufacturer. That sounds amazing, because it is, in fact, about the critical infrastructure of the state and big corporations-transport, energy, oil, water and so on. And severity of threats have demonstrated even 2008, when the attack on the computer network substations were physically destroyed by a huge diesel generator. Since the magnitude of the incidents are only growing in Germany went down a blast furnace, 5 regions of Ukraine 6 hours were left without electricity, and Saudi Arabia for a few weeks stopped the oil exports, the attackers wiped with 35 thousands of computers the world’s largest oil company and destroyed backup of all data.

“How much did it cost — I don’t know, but they are 17 days not shipped. The point is that they didn’t know how to ship. So the tankers would come in, and they said wait we your system straight. After 17 days they said, no, we can’t, our business will collapse. We will ship as many as will ask. That is coming with the tanker, tells me 30.000 tons of oil. Unto him, please,” — says Andrey Buhvalov, head of the Department of advanced technologies at Kaspersky Lab.

And it is only those stories that it was impossible to hide. How many such incidents actually happens – nobody knows. But what more of them — fact. The fact that industry standards and protocols originally designed to work in isolated systems where there is no risk of attack from the outside. And today almost all equipment, one way or another, gained access to the Internet.

“Now there is a facility of metro new York. Here and there some lines that are over 100 years old, they are electric, they are not on the figure. There press the button and the electrical signal switches. And communicate by radio. That is, there are numbers there. And all the rest of it in the figure. Everywhere. That’s all need to be protected. The market volume is unknown to me, I can not even imagine its size. It is a blue ocean, neither its depth nor width could not be assessed”, — says Eugene Kaspersky, head of Kaspersky Lab.

ICS CERT, Kaspersky Lab will not be a purely Russian centre – it is expected that over time, his customers are the enterprises almost all over the world. The benefit of protocols and standards, and therefore problems all have in common.

“in order to start some action, response and prevention, you need to understand what’s going on. This is possible if the organization in which incidents occur, will this information be shared. This does not mean to share publicly, but shall be responsible authorities that this information to collect, accumulate and draw conclusions from it. Such organizations appeared in Germany, now in America for a long time already, France is preparing legislation that.. But, in General, other examples and especially not know”, — says Andrey Buhvalov, head of the Department of advanced technologies at Kaspersky Lab. “Despite the fact that we have no rights to require you to share information with us, however, are in response to what we share, to provide some services. So we’re going to act. We are ready to distribute reports on the current situation, train their professionals, so in response, we expect to hear from organizations who are interested, information on the situation that is happening there.”


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